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#113436: "not able to play detector artemia"
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I wanted to play detector to move artemia token off me but in phase 3 but it wouldn't let me.• Hva prøvde du å gjøre for å trigge denne spillhandlingen?
Clicked on the card to play it.• Hva skjer når du prøver å gjøre dette (feilmelding, meldingsstatus for meldingsfelt, ...)?
It kept saying "card has to be played before resolution of artemia token". I didn't click "pass", i lost my phase 3 play option altogether when cataclysm popped up and all I did was click dismiss on the pop up.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Mozilla v5
LesserJester • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 4 th 2024 0:09 • Move should have been valid. The creature had tracking in play. At the start of phase 3 they played cataclysm as their first action. The creature targetted cataclysm on someone else's place (tile 1, lair) and then I couldn't play detector to let me use the rover on tile 5 where the artemia token was blocking me. It kept saying "card has to be played before resolution of artemia token". I didn't click "pass", i lost my phase 3 play option altogether when cataclysm popped up and all I did was click dismiss on that pop up. I don't think the creature even played their 2nd hunt card either.
see table 470641151 move 83 onwards.
see table 470641151 move 83 onwards.
LesserJester • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 4 th 2024 0:20 • Two other bug reports mention a similar issue, both were dismissed without investigation. Please look into this. That's multiple people all reporting the same glitch. and and
KenFin1 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 4 th 2024 11:19 • I had the same problem but it was with Wrong Track in a turnbased game of Not Alone. Playing on mobile app. Cataclysm being played seemed to stop me from using wrong track, the option to play it disappeared as if I had declined to play a phase 3 card but I never got chance to play it/select pass.
I wondered if it was because I switched to another turnbased game to take a move at that table while I waited to see what the creature did (I thought they might use Detour). When I returned to the table a few minutes later the creature had played Cataclysm and the hunt card pop-up was covering the screen. I dismissed the pop-up but the option to play my phase 3 card was gone. Cataclysm was played on the shelter where I was, but that should only block my use of the shelter, not remove my option to play a phase 3 card.
Two people got caught on rover who I wanted to free. They could have drawn new cards. I think this bug cost us the game. moves 146-149.
I wondered if it was because I switched to another turnbased game to take a move at that table while I waited to see what the creature did (I thought they might use Detour). When I returned to the table a few minutes later the creature had played Cataclysm and the hunt card pop-up was covering the screen. I dismissed the pop-up but the option to play my phase 3 card was gone. Cataclysm was played on the shelter where I was, but that should only block my use of the shelter, not remove my option to play a phase 3 card.
Two people got caught on rover who I wanted to free. They could have drawn new cards. I think this bug cost us the game. moves 146-149.
KenFin1 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 4 th 2024 13:59 • If the issue is with cataclysm perhaps adding a "you may respond to cataclysm" action stage similar to the "respond to detour" could fix the problem? This would reset the phase 3 card action choice for the hunted players and avoid the issue above.
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