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#125528: "Add Undo for non drawing or card revealing moves. "
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Add Undo for non drawing or card revealing moves.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v125
mai 29 th 2024 18:00 •
c12h22o11_ • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon om dette forslaget:
mai 29 th 2024 20:05 • The vast majority of moves have undo and / or confirmation buttons. Can you clarify if there is something specific you'd like to be able to undo that you cannot?
Omertron • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon om dette forslaget:
juni 3 rd 2024 14:19 • Pearl Millet - Allows it to be added back to the recipe if it's removed during the distil phase.
Anything like this should be allowed to be "undone" because I missed the requirement for the spirit that I was aiming to distil (character specific) and now I have no chance of doing that spirit (unless the rare opportunity to get the duplicate special ingredient comes up - unlikely).
Anything like this should be allowed to be "undone" because I missed the requirement for the spirit that I was aiming to distil (character specific) and now I have no chance of doing that spirit (unless the rare opportunity to get the duplicate special ingredient comes up - unlikely).
TheInquisitor • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon om dette forslaget:
juni 4 th 2024 2:28 • Have Jacqueline and the Co-Op Manager, clicked the manager by mistake and got Water when I should've gotten something else. Would be nice if I could undo this since my "start of turn" actions were not complete yet (since I still had Jacqueline's ability to activate).
lefalaf • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon om dette forslaget:
aug. 16 th 2024 6:07 • I'm sure there are various combinations. My latest one: skipped the trucker ability since I had 0 coin to buy at the start of turn, but forgot that i have the 2 coin discount ability since that doesn't show until the regular market phase - and I am playing turn-based to it's easy to forget, but presumably I can use the discount to buy from the truck as well, but since I did not think I had money or the discount at the time I clicked skip truck, even though it was still my turn and no private/random/card info was revealed, but I could not go back to earlier in my turn where nothing revealing to me or other players had happened yet.
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