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#158179: "Tooltips don't show for pieces on the board"
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The ability tooltips show up for pieces that have been removed from the board but you can't see tooltips when hovering over pieces that are currently on the board.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v131
TheInquisitor • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
feb. 16 th 2025 17:42 • Thank you for considering this suggestion.
tchobello • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon om dette forslaget:
feb. 18 th 2025 10:26 • Hello,
when hovering over the board, the information provided is the special base effect if there is one and the order of all troops on that base.
we cannot add all tooltips for all troops present on that base.
all interesting infos will be available on the bottom How to Play menu when the game leaves Alpha testing mode.
when hovering over the board, the information provided is the special base effect if there is one and the order of all troops on that base.
we cannot add all tooltips for all troops present on that base.
all interesting infos will be available on the bottom How to Play menu when the game leaves Alpha testing mode.
MathCT • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 4 th 2025 2:39 • no changes planned at the moment
Varamyr6skins • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 21 st 2025 14:38 • It would really help - especially regarding new players - if there was a unit description (what's that unit's ability/effect) for enemy units on mouseover (or hold on mobile), like in almost all other games on here. ALTERNATIVELY maybe even BETTER: some icon to click on that lists the unit types with abilities/effects, or just a list in the how to play section (currently empty, isn't alpha testing finished?).
As it is, unit descriptions are entirely unavailable for enemy units, or ANY unit not on one's own rack, meaning that you cannot find out a unit's effects within the game - unusual on BGA - unless you have that type yourself, so you have to hunt for a rulebook or be forced to create a BGG account to check the rules.
As it is, unit descriptions are entirely unavailable for enemy units, or ANY unit not on one's own rack, meaning that you cannot find out a unit's effects within the game - unusual on BGA - unless you have that type yourself, so you have to hunt for a rulebook or be forced to create a BGG account to check the rules.
tchobello • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 21 st 2025 15:26 • Hello,
we're thinking about adding a question mark info click.
The How To Play section is filled by the community.
Actually, it would really help - especially regarding new players - if you take some time to fill the gap, as you're a member of it.
we're thinking about adding a question mark info click.
The How To Play section is filled by the community.
Actually, it would really help - especially regarding new players - if you take some time to fill the gap, as you're a member of it.
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