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#159685: "Mouseover/Tool tips for scoring criterion for each map."
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Updating the how to play for each map doesn't seem worthwhile. Would be more convenient to mouse over/long press each of the scoring criterion down the bottom to be reminded of how they score for a given map.
I've played Welcome to the Moon a reasonable amount in person but still have to be reminded about specific scoring elements for each map.
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Shoitaan • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
feb. 28 th 2025 5:15 • As an example for map 3, suggestion is if I hover over plants it summarises that you get plants from the quarters by then get the scoring multipliers via energy cards.
cigma • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 1 st 2025 12:55 • In general, givinig game help in the game itself (like tooltips) is much better, because the How to play Wiki regularly doesn't represent official rules and only the texts included in the game are translated and checked for each language.
As for this specific suggestion of tooltips for scoring elements I want to play some more games before I vote for it.
As for this specific suggestion of tooltips for scoring elements I want to play some more games before I vote for it.
eowynmn • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 10 th 2025 13:39 • I would agree with this greatly. I've never played the game, but pick up easily and have played other Welcome games. I read the instructions, and was still a bit confused. I will often just learn on turn based, cause I can figure it out as I go from the tips. I've played on Apple OS safari, and Microsoft Edge. Apple Os it helps to be able to click and hold to see a rule, and on the computer, being able to mouse over. Would love to see this added.
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