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#161049: "Display the # of current round"
rejected: Utviklerne syns ikke dette er en god ide eller at kostnaden blir for høy i forhold til nytten
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• Vennligst forklar ditt forslag nøyaktig og konsistent slik at det er så enkelt som mulig å forstå hva du mener.
It would greatly help if the # number of the current round was displayed in the top right corner (alongside other information) and in console log.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Mozilla v5
Dark_Nero • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 11 th 2025 19:40 • There is plenty of space to the right of the victory point amount to display current round number.
Kayvon • Utviklerne syns ikke dette er en god ide eller at kostnaden blir for høy i forhold til nytten:
mars 11 th 2025 20:24 • The other two submissions by the same reporter this morning suggest this may simply be another lack of familiarity with the game and its rules. Closing, but we can reopen if there's some real interest expressed in the forum.
Dark_Nero • Utviklerne syns ikke dette er en god ide eller at kostnaden blir for høy i forhold til nytten:
mars 13 th 2025 18:26 • I am familiar with the game and its rules. Why are you making statements without supporting them with facts? Explain, HOW displaying the current game round contradicts rules of the game?
Kayvon • Utviklerne syns ikke dette er en god ide eller at kostnaden blir for høy i forhold til nytten:
mars 13 th 2025 19:28 • I didn't say showing the round contradicts the rules. I said your other reports show a lack of familiarity with the game. You replies today imply you're trolling. Your response here indicates an unwillingness to engage honestly or an issue with reading comprehension, take your pick.
We won't engage further, other than possibly deleting contentious replies.
We won't engage further, other than possibly deleting contentious replies.
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