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#161309: "Log, Chat and other buttons barely usable on mobile on some games"
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Inoperable buttons in the lower portion of the screen on smart phones.
On mobile, the Log and Chat buttons are shown in the lower right corner. Other icons may be displayed in the lower left too, game dependent (eg Caverna).
On some but not all games, the icons are tiny, and positioned too far into the corner. Two problems with this:
1) modern cellphone screens have curved corners, and things in the corner are not visible or tappable.
2) the bottom row of the screen is reserved on many phones (including all modern iPhones) for multitasking. Tapping there and swiping switches between apps. UX elements under that OS feature are not tappable.
This does not affect all games, but for those it does, it is consistently a problem, and seems to be an issue in all mobile browsers.
The easiest way to understand the problem is to play Caverna on an iPhone. The six buttons along the bottom are really hard to use. It requires rotating the phone and pinch zooming to get to them, which messes up the rest of the display. Very awkward.
Pls note Caverna is only one of the many affected games. It is unusual though that some games are absolutely fine. Makes me thing there may be a simple, universal fix.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Various - iPhone (and Android too, I think)
BrendanD • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
mars 13 th 2025 21:05 • Four screenshots (two fine, two not) to illustrate the problem:
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