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#162142: "Improvement suggestions for UI"
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I have the following suggestions:
1. The cards on hand are bit difficult to see, unless you hover to them. Suggest to make it solid color.
2. There is no display of the no. of cards for opponents. In rulebook it didn't specify, but I think normally we can know the no. of cards in opponents' hands. For this and the point above, the information can be displayed in the player panel on the right/top, together with the score and first player token.
3. There is no display of the no. of turns. I think in real game, we should be able to count the remaining goal cards to track the no. of turns.
4. When picking energy cards, the player board is covered. Sometimes we will need the player board information to decide which card to pick. Suggest to make the card selection frame minimizable, like in Ark Nova.
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Google Chrome v134
iamnoobabc • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 21 st 2025 19:32 • Thank you for implementing this game! The game is fun and the implementation is great!
iamnoobabc • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 22 nd 2025 6:03 • 1 more point.
5. The no. of Group 1 advanced life token remaining is not displayed. Though we can check against the no. of players (remaining no. = no. of players x2 - all on player boards), but I think it is a nice to have. Or you can check with publisher to see if they want to add this or not.
5. The no. of Group 1 advanced life token remaining is not displayed. Though we can check against the no. of players (remaining no. = no. of players x2 - all on player boards), but I think it is a nice to have. Or you can check with publisher to see if they want to add this or not.
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