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#162400: "final summary should include all sources of points"
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Every category of points attributed to each player should be listed in the statistics table so that they add up to the total points listed with each player's name.
In game 3, I noticed that the sector completion points were not listed, but I'm not sure what else is missing.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v134
mars 24 th 2025 17:36 •
Tisaac • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon om dette forslaget:
mars 24 th 2025 17:44 • What are you calling the statistics table ? The bga standard stats or the in game summary ?
TensorosneT • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon om dette forslaget:
mars 24 th 2025 20:22 • I'm not sure.
Whichever one comes up at the end of the (any) game.
"Game result" summarizes the total scores of the players.
"Statistics" summarizes things that happened in the game and includes a table of numbers of things that happened and ought to include every way that points were earned.
the table for this game:
Gonqueasel TensorosneT
Game result 1st (104) 2nd (98)
Thinking time 24h20 36h17
Numbered spaces amount 30 31
Number of empty slots 4 2
Number of system errors 3 2
Times the player was first to accomplish a mission 0 1
Times the player was second to accomplish a mission 1 0
Triggered end of game yes no
Number of robot actions used 6 7
Number of water actions used 3 5
Number of plant actions used 9 7
Number of energy actions used 7 7
Number of astronaut actions used 1 1
Number of planning actions used 2 2
Negative points from System Errors 15 10
Whichever one comes up at the end of the (any) game.
"Game result" summarizes the total scores of the players.
"Statistics" summarizes things that happened in the game and includes a table of numbers of things that happened and ought to include every way that points were earned.
the table for this game:
Gonqueasel TensorosneT
Game result 1st (104) 2nd (98)
Thinking time 24h20 36h17
Numbered spaces amount 30 31
Number of empty slots 4 2
Number of system errors 3 2
Times the player was first to accomplish a mission 0 1
Times the player was second to accomplish a mission 1 0
Triggered end of game yes no
Number of robot actions used 6 7
Number of water actions used 3 5
Number of plant actions used 9 7
Number of energy actions used 7 7
Number of astronaut actions used 1 1
Number of planning actions used 2 2
Negative points from System Errors 15 10
Tisaac • Utviklerne syns ikke dette er en god ide eller at kostnaden blir for høy i forhold til nytten:
mars 24 th 2025 20:41 • Ok then it will probably stay like this because we cant have different stats for different scenarios and we dont want 90% of stats being irrelevant at the end of the game
TensorosneT • Utviklerne syns ikke dette er en god ide eller at kostnaden blir for høy i forhold til nytten:
mars 24 th 2025 20:54 • Then you may as well get rid of all reporting of points in that table.
Alternatively, you could put groups of lines at the bottom of the table for scenario specific point awards.
I've seen this done in other games with multiple sets of scoring possibilities.
Alternatively, you could put groups of lines at the bottom of the table for scenario specific point awards.
I've seen this done in other games with multiple sets of scoring possibilities.
Tisaac • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 24 th 2025 21:00 • Yeah we were not even sure if we wanted to put any stats for this game, really.
I know we can have specific stats but since you would only play 1 scenario among 8, again 90% of them would be useless. I really dont think it would be a great way to display them at all. Or that would mean we would also need to duplicate these 20 stats for each scenario so that you would have only one group of consecutive stats for each scenario.
I know we can have specific stats but since you would only play 1 scenario among 8, again 90% of them would be useless. I really dont think it would be a great way to display them at all. Or that would mean we would also need to duplicate these 20 stats for each scenario so that you would have only one group of consecutive stats for each scenario.
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