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#35839: "the game page didn't come up, didnt let me in the game interface after i accepted the game"
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• Hva ble vist på skjermen når du ble blokkert (Tom skjerm? Del av spillgrensesnittet? Feilmelding?)
I wanted to play solo so i pressed the start button, the game showed me the players so i pressed the start to play with them, but instead of the game the "play now" page come in so i thought somebody didn't want to play. but after half a minute a chat page came up that i have to move and i have just 20 seconds. BUT I DIDNT SEE THE GAME. I asked the players if they can see that, and they could so just i had that problem. There wasn't a back to the game button at the top of the page, i could not join that game.
i tried to press f5 but it didnt solve the problem
i got carma points for this :(• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
opera gx
caedmond • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
mars 9 th 2021 14:43 •
mars 31 st 2021 17:38 • never happened before, i dont know how did it happen
ghjiako-gatori • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
april 5 th 2021 15:13 •
I cant play any Solo game...after I've accepted to play, still wait x gamebut page do not open...
I cant play any Solo game...after I've accepted to play, still wait x gamebut page do not open...
Unita88 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 13 th 2025 14:48 • I was waiting for a long time for Solo Arena and when the game begin, BGA doesn't allow me to join... I've been expulsed and lost points of karma! Very unfair...
Table #629645102
Table #629645102
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