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#37138: "Could not buy artifact for listed cost"
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• Hvilken del av reglene ble ikke respektert av BGA-tilpasningen
I tried to buy Guiding Skull as an artifact for 4 compasses. An error said I did not have enough compasses. The card does require an extra compass to play immediately, but it would not allow me to buy it and then not immediately play it. Maybe. Or there was something wrong with the cost. Regardless, it wouldn't let me buy it.• Er regelbruddet tydelig i spilloggen? Hvis ja, Hvilket trekknummer?
Move 61• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v88
mars 24 th 2021 15:25 •
BoltKey • Feil har blitt bekreftet av utviklerne:
mars 24 th 2021 22:28 • All the artifacts will need to have the effect optional to reflect the rules.
spoonofmilk • Feil har blitt bekreftet av utviklerne:
aug. 2 nd 2021 11:39 • Table: 190578064
Turn: 259
I have the assistant which gives a 2 compass discount (on gold side) and on activation it won't allow me to purchase the Guiding Skull.
Turn: 259
I have the assistant which gives a 2 compass discount (on gold side) and on activation it won't allow me to purchase the Guiding Skull.
spoonofmilk • Feil har blitt bekreftet av utviklerne:
aug. 2 nd 2021 12:13 • Follow up - it may have not allowed me to purchase it as I didn't have the additional compass to activate it upon purchase - but I feel the rules should allow the purchase of the card even if you cannot activate it?
WhatsThatSmell • Feil har blitt bekreftet av utviklerne:
des. 6 th 2022 23:12 • Table ID 322012321 - I had 5 compasses, bought Ancient Wine for 3 (leaving 2) and activated gold side of assistant on display giving me 2 discount. But when I tried to buy Guiding Skull (for 4 - 2 = 2 compasses) it said I did not have enough
niiimmmiii • Feil har blitt bekreftet av utviklerne:
okt. 16 th 2023 14:10 • Couldn't buy Guiding Skull for 4 compasses when I had 4 compasses. It had no additional costs to play. Table #428759618/ move around 39
ThomasPPunk • Feil har blitt bekreftet av utviklerne:
okt. 15 th 2024 9:35 • I have 2 compas and a reduction of 2 compas and I cannot by a 4 compas Artifact.
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