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#39974: "Display points during game, rather than zero."
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During the entire game, it shows the players as having zero points. Either remove this, as it is confusing, or give the correct amount. I vote for the latter, as it is always good to make it clear to players when they are earning points and the relative standing of the players.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v89
april 29 th 2021 20:17 •
DoxyLover • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mai 26 th 2021 7:13 • Suggest do like Kingdom Builder. Normally display "-" for scores but give option for running scores.
attagamer • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
juni 24 th 2021 11:01 • Showing running scores definitely adds a plus to the computer implementation of a game (vs. tabletop). See the implemetation of Beyond the Sun (BtS) on this site, or "Welcome to".
In this game, unlike in BtT, there are no majorities to be calculated at end game for bonus points. I believe the running score can even be "the" score in this game. Displaying a score of "0" or "-" next to a correct running score all game long would be counterintuitive, would generate questions, and would clutter the screen.
So my point is: keep a running score and display it instead of the current "0" score.
In this game, unlike in BtT, there are no majorities to be calculated at end game for bonus points. I believe the running score can even be "the" score in this game. Displaying a score of "0" or "-" next to a correct running score all game long would be counterintuitive, would generate questions, and would clutter the screen.
So my point is: keep a running score and display it instead of the current "0" score.
kolofardos • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 28 th 2023 19:25 • System does not allow me to vote for that. Live scoring is a setting i found in many games in BGA. Please consider adding this option to Lost Ruins of Arnak too
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