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#46649: "Unable to read card text on mobile browser"
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Safari v14.1
dexdouglas • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
aug. 16 th 2021 15:43 • In mobile, whether in landscape or portrait, the card text is impossible to read. It’s incredibly blurry and renders the game unplayable without referring to a separate sheet of all the character powers.
The card images should have clear and readable text while in mobile.
The card images should have clear and readable text while in mobile.
Joseph2302 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
okt. 22 nd 2021 16:52 • Same for me on Android, Google Chrome last version. The text on cards will be too low resolution I guess
Leannie2020 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 3 rd 2022 17:10 • Same on iPad. Unable to read card text and zooming in just makes text blurry
PatrickBD • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 5 th 2022 9:17 •
Just to reiterate - cannot read text on crew cards from a mobile browser or while playing on a Chromebook PC.
Just to reiterate - cannot read text on crew cards from a mobile browser or while playing on a Chromebook PC.
LykeT • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 20 th 2022 3:39 • Maybe have when press the card the hover over text displays and ask you to confirm or close. There’s no way to reliably see the hover over text on mobile.
Zach286 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 7 th 2023 1:51 • Unable to read the text on any of the cards.
GraemeMB • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 10 th 2023 0:07 • Hover does not work on mobile - have tried holding and occasionally it will bring up a zoomed version of the card, but not reliably so, and often just play the card without confirmation.
GraemeMB • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
juli 12 th 2023 16:57 • Adding some more details for developers:
Please test this on a mobile device - the hold to zoom does not work reliably on either my iPhone or iPad. I have tried different browsers as well (Chrome and Safari).
Note that this testing has been done in the tutorial - sometimes I can get some cards to zoom but it is very unreliable and often attempts to play the card instead.
Please test this on a mobile device - the hold to zoom does not work reliably on either my iPhone or iPad. I have tried different browsers as well (Chrome and Safari).
Note that this testing has been done in the tutorial - sometimes I can get some cards to zoom but it is very unreliable and often attempts to play the card instead.
Jollily • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
sep. 15 th 2024 22:04 • As of September 2024 this remains an issue. A fun game in which you can not read card text on mobile and often when trying to hold for the tooltip you will instead play the card. The implementation does not have an undo feature so this is often frustrating.
Everdell1308 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
des. 29 th 2024 20:43 • Impossible de lire les cartes sur tablette et téléphone
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