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#56136: "Selecting a card doesn’t work"
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I play on the ipad this evening (30/12) and it was horrible. I have to tap several times to take or play a card. Refreshing doesn’t solve the problems. I have played the game several times in the past and I had no issue with this. I don’t know if there have been some changes or it is just tonight that it doesn’t work well?!• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Safari v13.1
aicirtap • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
des. 30 th 2021 20:13 • Nope F5 doesn’t solve the problem
Several times, every turn
Several times, every turn
bennygui • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
jan. 6 th 2022 2:06 • Samething here on my wife's ipad. I thought it might be related to the tooltips so she tried disabling them but it was still the same. If you click multiple times, you can get it to work at some point but it's really hard.
Victoria_La • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
jan. 9 th 2022 16:44 • Its probably related to safari inability to render shadows (which maks everything laggy and possibly affects click).
I disable shadows for now on safari - it is better now?
I disable shadows for now on safari - it is better now?
bennygui • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
jan. 12 th 2022 1:09 • Tryed again with version 220109-0426, still the same thing.
Skylorion • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
jan. 30 th 2022 22:08 • Had same issue. Tried to select a card to pick up, third card in. Would not let me select. Tried multiple times and finally let me select it and bring up auto pay option. Only happened once in game. Have played this 4 or 5 times now on Samsung phone using app with latest Chrome browser.
Damora • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
feb. 19 th 2022 16:40 •
april 18 th 2022 16:13 • If the tooltip for the card appears and you can still see a bit of the card below, then if you click on the card it works, but yes, we are really suffering to play the game on iOS (Safari on iPad and iPhone)
Victoria_La • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
mai 15 th 2022 0:19 • Is this is tooltip related - disable tooltips in perferences
MaKoBwoY • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
juni 19 th 2022 1:33 • Same for me on ipad and chrome. Went out of time and received a penalty...
pattik01 • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
juni 29 th 2022 3:45 • This has happed for me every time I try to play Century on the iPad. I use the safari browser, and almost every turn it takes multiple taps to select a card.
Slaven41 • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
juli 15 th 2022 18:00 • I have been having this same issue. I’m playing. The golem version on an iPad. Sometimes when I tap on a scoring card to claim it, it doesn’t ask me to confirm, it just seems to ignore it.
ladycein • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
aug. 2 nd 2022 9:15 • Same thing for me. I’m on mobile and it’s the absolute worst! As soon as I try and click on a card it displays the info and I cannot select that card to play. Seems to happen randomly. Happened to my friends too who are playing on mobile.
ClaireBeary • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
aug. 20 th 2022 1:00 • The only way I could select a card to play (iPad) was by rearranging the selected card to being the first card in my hand it would the,n allow me to select it and play however this took so long and was frustrating eventually I got kicked out of the game, and lost 10 karma off my 100 % record. This is a game I have played as a board game but first time ong BGA
OnlyAGame • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
sep. 15 th 2022 21:10 • I have had the issue happen regularly lately and today it cost me a quit penalty because my opponent didn’t even acknowledge my comments about being stuck. It is random when it happens and so frustrating!
OnlyAGame • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
sep. 15 th 2022 22:58 • I should add, I play on an iPad.
DidierLomener • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
nov. 14 th 2022 14:39 • J'e n'ai pas réussi à acheter épices alors que j'avais les épices demandés
iamrm • Utviklerne ønsker mer informasjon for å kunne reprodusere denne programfeilen:
nov. 21 st 2024 12:04 • Same issue in Chrome on iPad. I can select some trade cards that cost less but not the ones with higher costs. I have plenty of crystals.
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Legg til her noe som synes relevant for å reprodusere denne feilen eller forstå forslaget ditt:
- En annen bord ID / flytt ID
- Løste F5 problemet?
- Oppstod problemet gjentatte ganger? Hver gang? Tilfeldig?
- Hvis du har et skjermbilde av denne feilen (alltid lurt) kan du bruke for å laste det opp og kopiere inn lenken til bildet her.