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#57673: "Displays only cards drawn, overlaid on flickering previous page I came from"
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• Hva ble vist på skjermen når du ble blokkert (Tom skjerm? Del av spillgrensesnittet? Feilmelding?)
Rapidly flickering and jumping vertically background that is the last page I visited, game is showing only the drawn card row - no houses notepad or player info.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
justheada • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
jan. 19 th 2022 16:02 • 233665191 same problems
Refresh didn't help, however one time it gave me only the cards drawn with nothing else (no flickering).
It displays fine in Chrome, but had been working prior to today just fine in silk.
Refresh didn't help, however one time it gave me only the cards drawn with nothing else (no flickering).
It displays fine in Chrome, but had been working prior to today just fine in silk.
Toodles12 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
jan. 20 th 2022 22:42 • Table 232377206
Also silk browser
Is continuing, although I can play other games, this table continues to flicker and not be visible enough to take a turn
In case it helps, the game right before this initial issue is a splendor with at least one player that quit (table 231151798),
My other tables, including the splendor, seem to be working, but they require extra clicks to access since the Go To Next Table Button takes me to the broken game
Also silk browser
Is continuing, although I can play other games, this table continues to flicker and not be visible enough to take a turn
In case it helps, the game right before this initial issue is a splendor with at least one player that quit (table 231151798),
My other tables, including the splendor, seem to be working, but they require extra clicks to access since the Go To Next Table Button takes me to the broken game
justheada • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 1 st 2022 23:39 • So I just had the same flicker problem on a kingdom builder game. It appears to be possibly something to do with BGA in general, perhaps from a recent update affecting Silk browser.
Since I also have new trouble on another game (patchwork has many blank areas on silk browser) I am switching to use chrome. Not an easy thing to load Chrome on a fire tablet, but I am tired of this issue and don't know whether it would ever get fixed if it's site wide.
Since I also have new trouble on another game (patchwork has many blank areas on silk browser) I am switching to use chrome. Not an easy thing to load Chrome on a fire tablet, but I am tired of this issue and don't know whether it would ever get fixed if it's site wide.
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