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#61478: "Confirm every trade"
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Currently, when playing a trade card that can only be applied 1x, or when playing a card that just produces spices with no input required, the game executes the card right away. A confirmation should be included here before execution, similar to when playing a trade card which you can apply 1x, 2x or more. As it is, it is way too easy to misclick.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v99
mars 21 st 2022 9:54 •
h_illes • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
april 3 rd 2022 11:49 • misclick also at table #255809483, step #57
h_illes • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
april 17 th 2022 13:35 • Misclick at table #259712339, step #24 (Ozi picks up his cards). Given how close the game was in the end, this misclick most likely changed the outcome of the game.
h_illes • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
april 22 nd 2022 10:27 • misclick also at table #261085383, step #64
Actually, I suggest confirming every move, not just trades, but also picking up cards.
Actually, I suggest confirming every move, not just trades, but also picking up cards.
h_illes • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
aug. 10 th 2022 12:36 • This report was submitted 4 months ago, is supported by some of the highest rated players including several premium members, yet the game was released and this issue is causing trouble ever since. I had 2 misclicks in the last 24 hours, and I am sure that the community as a whole suffered hundreds or more.
This should be an easy fix, so please address it, or at the very least, acknowledge it. The complete lack of response is disappointing.
This should be an easy fix, so please address it, or at the very least, acknowledge it. The complete lack of response is disappointing.
h_illes • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
aug. 12 th 2022 12:14 • Table #290958266, right at the end (did yy>rr 2x instead of 1x).
Honestly, this is getting annoying. Such a great game otherwise, shame you let misclicks spoil the enjoyment when there is an easy fix. BGA, wake up!
Honestly, this is getting annoying. Such a great game otherwise, shame you let misclicks spoil the enjoyment when there is an easy fix. BGA, wake up!
drdeadpool • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
sep. 7 th 2022 15:51 • +1
Rested numerous times without meaning to.
Additionally, on a related topic, Sometimes I will click on a card to buy, but the click doesnt get recorded, and then I'll end up resting when trying to confirm (this is obviously a lot more human error than this current issue, but felt related so just mentioning it)
Rested numerous times without meaning to.
Additionally, on a related topic, Sometimes I will click on a card to buy, but the click doesnt get recorded, and then I'll end up resting when trying to confirm (this is obviously a lot more human error than this current issue, but felt related so just mentioning it)
Mckown • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
april 11 th 2024 10:58 • Április 10 játéknál nem lehetett lépni mínusz 34 pont kaptam meg. F5 nyomtam akkor sem.
needWingspanOceania • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mai 12 th 2024 0:38 • When is this going to be fixed
bananasplay • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
jan. 15 th 2025 6:33 • A player option is definitely essential, in order to prevent misclicks.
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