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#61483: "Discarding 6+ spices is clunky"
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Discarding 6+ spice cubes is clunky, and discarding 11+ cubes is downright a nightmare. In the game, I had to discard 11 cubes on move #71, and I almost ran out of time before I got it right.
I am not entirely sure what the ideal solution is, maybe a callout bar similar to when upgrading, but this should be improved. Granted, discarding 11+ cubes is quite rare (in this game, it was the result of a misclick on the previous move), but it still happens, and discarding 6+ cubes definitely occurs regularly.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v99
mars 21 st 2022 10:36 •
Ozimandias333 • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
mars 22 nd 2022 12:18 • Same could fix this by alowing a player to eject cubes as much as he wants times...if he has for example 30 cubes and he has to expell 20(in order to reach 10 optimal cubes),in first try he can eject 5,and on second he can eject the remaining 15.....Either way,to continue the game,he must eject all 20 of them...
or the second option is to make a scroll option(up-down) for the window where cubes are placed.
or the second option is to make a scroll option(up-down) for the window where cubes are placed.
lgrpierre • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
aug. 13 th 2024 6:13 • Dans une caravane contenant 10 cubes verts, j'ai voulu remplacer 8 de ces cibes vets par 8 cubes rouges en jouantt 8 fois la carte 1vert -> 1 rouge+4 jaunes et en défaussant 32 jaunes. Je n'ai jamais réussi à défausser ces cubes, qui n'aparaissaient même pas sur l'écran. J'ai perdu la partie au temps.
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