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#64507: "I could not buy card"
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• Hva var spillhandlingen du ønsket å gjøre?
I wanted to buy a card• Hva prøvde du å gjøre for å trigge denne spillhandlingen?
I was clicking a lot, reloading game• Hva skjer når du prøver å gjøre dette (feilmelding, meldingsstatus for meldingsfelt, ...)?
Nothing, I could buy only the first card although I could afford other cards as well.• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Safari v15.4
ajeh • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
mai 13 th 2022 8:43 • F5 did not work
Problem was throughout the whole game
Problem was throughout the whole game
Purishnel • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
des. 19 th 2022 10:31 • Same happened to me on 2 different tables, with the first card in the market row. The latest in this game:
Mentachoc • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
aug. 5 th 2023 21:47 • Quise compar una carta, la pinché y confirmé el pago y el juego me hizo recoger mis cartas, lo cual no fue mi intención y arruinó mi jugada. No es primera vez que pasa.
Username Error • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
feb. 17 th 2024 22:52 • I can afford the first card, and another card. When I click on the other card, it then asks to confirm I want to buy it. But when I click on the first card, it merely shows me the card info panel. When I click on cards I can’t afford, it tells me the move isn’t authorized now.
So, I want to buy the first card because it has a gold coin over it, but the game won’t let me buy it.
So, I want to buy the first card because it has a gold coin over it, but the game won’t let me buy it.
izabella21 • Feilen har ikke blitt reprodusert av utviklerne enda:
jan. 7 th 2025 20:08 • I can only buy the first two cards. I can’t buy the ones that follow Even if I have the money to do so. When I click on the cards (after 1 and 2) the option to buy them doesn’t appear even if I have enough cubes to buy it.
Legg til noe i denne rapporten
Legg til her noe som synes relevant for å reprodusere denne feilen eller forstå forslaget ditt:
- En annen bord ID / flytt ID
- Løste F5 problemet?
- Oppstod problemet gjentatte ganger? Hver gang? Tilfeldig?
- Hvis du har et skjermbilde av denne feilen (alltid lurt) kan du bruke for å laste det opp og kopiere inn lenken til bildet her.