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Cribbage rapporter
#78326: "Avoid this player"
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• Vennligst forklar ditt forslag nøyaktig og konsistent slik at det er så enkelt som mulig å forstå hva du mener.
Player "iqd" was going to lose and proposed to collectively abandon the game (I refused).
iqd then proposed to switch to turn-based (I refused).
iqd has ONE card left to play before the game is over and refuses to play...iqd set the game with no time limit and I can't abandon without penalty.
24 abandons and 48 over-time on 373 recent games? AVOID THIS PLAYER.
I am unable to report as this is iqd's first time playing Cribbage (on a 13k xp profile).• Hvilken nettleser bruker du?
Google Chrome v108
des. 30 th 2022 2:54 •
antagog • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
des. 30 th 2022 3:02 • Update: because iqd refuses to play their final card and end the game, I am stuck and unable to play any additional games (and I'm stubborn and refuse to abandon and give iqd the win).
Being held hostage is not cool.
Devs, please address this player.
Being held hostage is not cool.
Devs, please address this player.
antagog • Dette forslaget har ikke blitt analysert av utviklerne ennå:
des. 30 th 2022 3:14 • Update 2: I'm free.
5:46pm - dude, go
6:09pm - guess what...neither of us are able to play any other games on BGA while this table is active
6:09pm - and I am incredibly stubborn and refuse to exit the game and give you the win
...iqd immediately played their last card, lost the game, and I was able to move on.
Stubborn > petty.
5:46pm - dude, go
6:09pm - guess what...neither of us are able to play any other games on BGA while this table is active
6:09pm - and I am incredibly stubborn and refuse to exit the game and give you the win
...iqd immediately played their last card, lost the game, and I was able to move on.
Stubborn > petty.
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