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Spillerstatistikk er kun tilgjengelig for spillere som blir medlem av Board Game Arena-klubben.

Støtt Board Game Arena: bli premium-medlem!


Zhouhanying gjennomsnitt Alle spilleres gjennomsnitt Gjennomsnitt til vinnere
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Number of turns
Turn order
VP bid for turn order
VP per 5 Dollars
VP from buildings
VP from discs on cities
VP from discs on stations
VP from hazards
VP from cattles
VP from objectives
VP from station masters
VP for 5th and 6th workers
VP from increase movement disc
VP from job market token
Total Dollars earned
Dollars earned from fees
Dollars earned from delivery
Dollars earned from discarding cards
Dollars earned from objectives
Dollars earned from outlaws/teepees
Dollars earned from Kansas City
Dollars earned from auxiliary actions
Dollars earned from last rail
Dollars earned from other building actions
Total Dollars spent
Dollars spent in neutral fees
Dollars spent in player fees
Dollars spent in delivery taxes
Dollars spent for hiring
Dollars spent for building (craft)
Dollars spent in cattle market
Dollars spent upgrading stations
Dollars spent in auxiliary actions
Dollars NOT spent because broke
Number of cattles bought
Number of Simmental cards bought
Number of Simmental cards upgraded
Temporary certificates limit
Temporary certificates earned
Temporary certificates spent
Temporary certificates move lost (above limit)
Permanent certificates
Number of building built
Number of building upgraded
Number of building actions activated
Number of neutral building activated
Number of self building action activated
Number of single aux action instead of local action
Number of risky action activated
Number of hiring bonus action triggered
Number of deliveries
Best delivery income
Final hand size
Total cards
Cards drawn
Cards removed from play
Final move stat
Total step
Number of objectives cards
Number of objectives succeeded
Number of objectives failed
Number of hazards
Number of outlaws / teepees
Number of stations upgraded
Number of stations masters
Number of action involving train
Number of train move forward
Number of train move backward
Number of last rail hits
Number of branchlets placed
Number of exchange tokens gained
Number of exchange tokens used
Number of exchange tokens remaining
Number of medium towns activated
TAKK : Du er en av våre mest lojale spillere!
Få det beste fra Board Game Arena for kun $5 / måned.