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De beste spillene i går og i dag, tilpasset for online spill.
Ark Nova, Terraforming Mars, The Settlers fra Catan, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Splendor, forestshuffle, harmonies, Agricola, The Castles of Burgundy, 7 Wonders Duel, spacebase, itsawonderfulworld, Can't Stop, Hanabi, 6 nimmt!, arnak, cartographers, castlecombo, Sea Salt & Paper, Ticket to Ride: Europe, Azul: Summer Pavilion, 7 Wonders, darwinsjourney, Heat: Pedal to the Metal, ageofinnovation, Yatzy, Lucky Numbers
See alle
Kongen av Tokyo, Kingdomino, challengers, Super Mega Lucky Box, gizmos, Patchwork, distilled, Splendor Duel, Terra Mystica, Potion Explosion, Welcome To, Stone Age, Gaia Project, Lost Cities, greatwesterntrail, 7 Wonders Architects, Rummy, handandfoot, orleans, Tapestry, draftandwriterecords, Race for the Galaxy, Spardame, Mountain Goats, skyteam, faraway, Pandemic, CuBirds, Kingdom Builder, Viticulture, Memoir '44, maracaibo, Puerto Rico, Backgammon, BANG!, scythe, earth, Res Arcana, barrage, flowers, frenchtarot, Seasons, takenokolor, captainflip, Takenoko, papayoo, thecrewdeepsea, Railroad Ink, Alhambra, A Feast for Odin, Living Forest, Chakra, Wizard, Love Letter, Jaipur, obsession, Spar, Innovation, valeofeternity, planetunknown, mojo, century, solstis, bunnykingdom, riverofgold, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, daybreak, diceforge, The Isle of Cats, dvonn, Tock, Cribbage, Break the Code, thecrew, Solo, nextstation, newton, Sagani, Tichu, justone, Akropolis, pixies, Belot, pathofcivilization, Sushi Go!, Nova Luna, glassroad, catinthebox, burglebros, Beyond the Sun, caverna, Bubblee Pop, Bandido, piratenkapern, altered, newyorkzoo, Martian Dice, Sabotør, Roll for the Galaxy, Saint Petersburg, Turing Machine, Clans of Caledonia, marcopolotwo, Bondebridge, bloodrage, treos, knarr, spots, LLAMA, Decrypto, thefoxintheforest, Tzolk'in, Bjørneparken, Framework, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, texasholdem, spellbook, praga, forsale, Regicide, mycityrb, coalbaron, downforce, golf, nextstationparis, cosmoctopus, hadrianswall, looot, bonsai, Sushi Go-fest!, Stella - Dixit Universe, metro, rivervalleyglassworks, War Chest, harvest, Tokaido, minirogue, Thurn and Taxis, architectsofthewestkingdom, railwaysoftheworld, elgrande, marcopolo, Chromino, Can't Stop Express, Targi, coinche, citadels, nidavellir, Koi-Koi, Marrakech, odin, paxrenaissance, gnomehollow, yokohama, Shifting Stones, ultimaterailroads, spiteandmalice, Draftosaurus, Russian Railroads, explodingkittens, ginrummy, Diamant, ancientknowledge, lagranja, teotihuacan, myshelfie, Loco Momo, dinogenics, rallymangt, evolution, draculahelsing, federation, dicehospital, tranquility, lettertycoon, anachrony, nextstationtokyo, Sjakk, Abandon All Artichokes, Santorini, trellis, Applejack, botanicus, neom, Hive, highseason, euchre, jumpdrive, werewolves, afterus, My City, hens, scopa, Similo, hardback, Abyss, Tash-Kalar, rollandbump, Concept, luxor, amalfi, boop., dungeonroll, justdesserts, crusadersthywillbedone, hadara, Fluxx, middleages, President, Now Boarding, doglover, Flaming Pyramids, perfectwords, thirteenclues, rolltothetopjourneys, slide, goldblivion, thefoxintheforestduet, Fire på rad, hiddenleaders, automobiles, paxpamir, Quantum, canasta, botanik, thewolves, fornorthwood, Den forbudte øya, Elfenland, lostseas, dobro, Dominoes, mlem, stupormundi, oriflamme, nanatoridori, shogun, The Builders: Middle Ages, Color Pop, painttheroses, illustori, schroedingerscats, liverpoolrummy, chemicaloverload, escapefromthehiddencastle, Quibbles, Coloretto, rainforest, finca, Hanamikoji, Machiavelli, rauha, sobektwoplayers, terranova, farkle, tikal, Skull, Villagers, kingsinthecorner, evergreen, foreverhome, Tigris & Eufrat, coupcitystate, Photosynthesis, Celestia, setup, Lewis & Clark, No Thanks!, notalone, Codex Naturalis, hungariantarokk, Mandala, carnegie, Copenhagen, Onitama, Donuts, Canvas, expeditions, lure, Pingimus, Reflection, viamagica, Libertalia, theshipwreckarcana, arctic, Othello, eternitium, cacao, trailblazers, trektwelve, deus, vault, Red7, trekkingtheworld, Eruption, icecoldicehockey, glow, superfantasybrawl, Troyes, mighty, 99 (tilleggskortspill), Perudo, newfrontiers, Rage, Quoridor, lineit, romirami, TRIO, noneshallpass, Haiclue, openseason, conspiracy, arcticscavengers, undergrove, fourgardens, dicethemepark, Happy City, Number Drop, Senke Slagskip, dragonwood, dogpark, openfacechinesepoker, connectsix, Quarto, piepmatz, greatsplit, offtherails, Colt Express, grumblestone, cityofthebigshoulders, mythicbattlesragnarok, ginkgopolis, iwari, norsemen, bagofchips, Go, clashofdecks, caboodle, Butterfly, Tiwanaku, Dam, Dobble, gonutsfordonuts, ghostathome, mrjack, megajackpot, Gang of Dice, grovesolitaire, flipfreighters, orchard, wonderfulkingdom, capybarancapybara, Kinasjakk, Linx, pocketcats, littlefactory, dungeonpetz, thebuildersantiquity, gangsta, Caylus, naishi, tortugasixteensixtyseven, riftforce, jekyllvshide, roomtwentyfive, wizardsgrimoire, dicedtomatoes, Whist 22, thattimeyoukilledme, fromage, dicehospitaler, thatslife, gosux, eminentdomain, tinnerstrail, Abalone, boreal, Star Fluxx, sherlockthirteen, Ludo, biomos, spaceempires, P.I., sapiens, amazonas, Monster Factory, Buttons, sixtyone, Elawa, Niagara, Dragonheart, sail, goldwest, splito, troyesdice, festival, solarstorm, stockpile, capereurope, kingsguild, tranquilitytheascent, Keyflower, theyellowhouse, getonboard, spacestationphoenix, bacon, Battle of LITS, Dungeon Twister, vaalbara, chicagoexpress, imhotep, zuuli, Senet, boomerangusa, twentyfourseven, Battle Sheep, rallymandirt, Oxono, The Boss, hypnosia, golfie, okanagan, dragoncastle, Noah, yaniv, catcafe, fruitpicking, mastersofrenaissance, K2, chocolatefactory, medina, Yokai Septet, inori, iceandthesky, artdecko, springcleaning, vultureculture, cosmosempires, fairytrails, Kahuna, District Noir, babydinosaurrescue, Uptown, Nippon, homeworlds, Spar eller Hjerter, mindup, Taluva, Signorie, seikatsu, skat, Qawale, wastelandia, pugsinmugs, Sobek, pond, Cardiceo, In The Year of the Dragon, thebrambles, turnthetide, wordtraveler, lunar, Dinosaur Tea Party, boomerangaustralia, nachopile, letscatchthelion, timelinetwist, Look at the Stars, Cubosaurs, ontour, Kalah, Welcome to New Las Vegas, lamarcheducrabe, isleoftrainsallaboard, palace, khiva, zooloretto, buyword, boomerangeurope, diceathlon, tictacmatch, krosmasterarena, sheepboombah, dingosdreams, powervacuum, Blooms, girafferaffe, tanghulu, almadi, Go Goa, orionduel, Caravan, tucano, shogi, pente, Expedition: Northwest Passage, nimalia, Haggis, festivibes, Eriantys, Amyitis, oneohone, Tobago, tinyturbocars, gostop, stirfryeighteen, fleet, Circle of Life, divideetimpera, Through the Ages, imtheboss, battlespiritssaga, crazyeights, Rainbow, The Palaces of Carrara, ultimatetictactoe, zefiria, epizodiak, unrest, vektorace, farmclub, homesteaders, mapsofmisterra, briscola, ekonos, kmakici, belladonebluff, China Gold, quetzal, claim, dobbleconnect, goodcopbadcop, dicycards, forage, ohseven, Nanga Parbat, Rolling Pins, baolakiswahili, flowersmandalagame, personanongrata, minhwatu, oasis, ageofchampagne, roadtothreehoundred, Gomoku, regidice, Strands, Cloud City, talon, threethousandscoundrels, sergeantmajor, Time Masters, bigmonster, myfirstcastlepanic, Nile, SteamRollers, crisps, cookieaddict, maatatahay, smallislands, coupell, cheeztricks, Spyrium, themotherroad, mercadodelisboaste, thirtyone, Mølle, Nautilus, ticketgagnant, onda, Yoxii, balloonpop, crimezoom, lostexplorers, Khronos, gofish, goldncrash, astra, cucumber, mascarade, fibonachos, Origin, Xiangqi, Diam's, minnesotawhist, soulaween, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, The Number, tinyfarms, Dots and Boxes, Once Upon A Forest, 99 (kortspill som tar triks), stonks, volto, roppyakken, gardennation, Cinco, Blackjack, spiritsoftheforest, Hawaii, kami, chimerastation, Vidrasso, schnapsen, Turncoats, pyramidpoker, mate, ToeShamBo, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, lifeline, moonriver, sevens, Bombay, Micro Dojo, sevenknightsbewitched, tinyepicdefenders, herd, expressions, fika, Neutreeko, mapmaker, teatime, worldwidetennis, Bobail, 8 Masters' Revenge, mechadream, pedro, Pylos, batalladecoronas, 12 Chip Trick, Squadro, Streets, fifteendays, goblinhood, fivethreefive, safariwitness, The Battle for Hill 218, pokerdice, xxung, betta, unconditionalsurrender, cairn, dicesummoners, fightthelandlord, parklife, Armadöra, Yokai, colorado, paniclab, Hex, restinpeace, blockarena, mia, cucco, pinochle, saintpoker, quantik, Legendary Inventors, getthemacguffin, Takara Island, artthief, digupadventure, eightyeight, commanderchess, nainjaune, giftoftulips, thelast, getonboardparisrome, Qango, Florenza: The Card Game, Thermopyles, sakura, herrlof, rolledwest, durak, KoryĆ, bigtwo, Ponte del Diavolo, thewaytojuliet, Metromania, bossquest, Tuned, tienlen, Pyrga, hydroracers, Gaïa, mow, inverteddice, rollintotown, skatelegend, dontgointhere, colorflush, one, quirkyquarks, nicodemus, Icebreaker, Alveole, heroesofhellas, pescadonovo, penaltychallenge, ladyschoice, Con Sonar!, Meridians, bandada, coinage, fistfulofgold, vegetables, Exit strategy, quinque, egocentricworld, Sensei, metz, hoola, quato, Forks: Versjon 2, nylonppong, alakablast, Hokito, Bamboozle, United Square, Kulami, explorationwarzone, cannonades, ladyandthetiger, piereighteen, tapas, lielow, zener, Kabaleo, Murus Gallicus, veronatwist, envelopesofcash, trike, Mod Ten, Kraken Up, Linkage, Silo, Mijnlieff, knockoutwhist, Bug, mammalath, resolve, leroydesribauds, Soluna, narabi, robotsateourpizza, humanity, seotda, barbu, The Gnomes of Zavandor, fourcolorcards, Secret Moon, hoarders, Twin Tin Bots, aniversus, legendraiders, bahamataxi, dragonbridge, krosmasterblast, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, Thrive, draftcider, dodo, Hadron, evl, ecarte, Oust, Veggie Garden, Flume, mattock, Dragon Line, castlesofcaleira, eck, Fractal, Logger, gopher, Gygès, Tournay, Djambi, Isaac, The Jelly Monster Lab, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Assyria, Lords of Xidit, Dark Agent, Le Dernier Peuple, Evo: The “Game no Name”, madeira, crazyfarmers, Jump Gate, KQJ, Remember When, Seven Up, Hnefatafl, outlaws, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, guildes, ruhr, Penny Press, NXS, finity, veletas, marram, bigtimesoccer, klaverjassen, yinyang, steamworks, Medo, grosstarock, emdomicrocosm, solowhist, phat, Herooj, grandbazaar, blueskies, bids, trickoftherails, lineae, Paris Connection, detectivepoker, Blaze, queenskings, calypso, forex, kingofthepitch, canosa, faifo, troggu, guile, factum, riichimahjong, Simplicity, mue, Zola, samarkand, Tumbleweed, lasvegan, trusis, twinpalms, scriptoria, heckinhounds, rive, Blekksprut, dinnerinparis, Konane, megalomania, dronesvsseagulls, diablo, perikles, sasaki, lumen, ageofcivilization, splashdown, aves, Divercité, crypt, germanwhist, toepen, pook, sahwari, nap, twotenjack, L'Oracle B.A-BET, tholos, mutantcrops, vaultdenofthieves, hund, grund, cradletograve, micromidgard, circleoflifesavannah, zookeepers, blot, Gear & Piston, Tiki, Hack Trick, Lines of Action, Apocalypse au Zoo de Carson City, Siam, GORami, Biyi, theninedomains, Senshi, morocco, kingdoms, Redstone, raubbau, Impasse, quintus, Coins, riftvalleyreserve, triatri, reflectionsinthelookingglass, allin, empireplateau, starshipmerchants, ynarosfallin, fortytwo, quattuorreges, enemyanemone
You play the games in your browser which is great.
App news
Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
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Board Game Arena er den største online brettspilltjenesten i verden.
Mer enn 11 millioner motstandere å utfordre på 930 kjente brettspill.
Kom for å spille Ark Nova, Terraforming Mars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, og mange flere!
Denne appen foreslår Board Game Arena spilltjenesten i en Android-app. Hvis du liker det, optimaliserer vi det trinn for trinn for å gjøre det til en enda bedre app, så støtt den :)
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Trenger du utfordringer? Bli med på rangerte spill og møte nye utfordringer! De beste spillerne stiger gjennom rekkene!
Merk: den siste versjonen av den tilgjengelige spillelisten er tilgjengelig her:
Ark Nova, Terraforming Mars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Splendor, forestshuffle, harmonies, Agricola, The Castles of Burgundy, 7 Wonders Duel, spacebase, itsawonderfulworld, Can't Stop, Hanabi, 6 nimmt!, arnak, cartographers, castlecombo, Sea Salt & Paper, Ticket to Ride: Europe, Azul: Summer Pavilion, 7 Wonders, darwinsjourney, Heat: Pedal to the Metal, ageofinnovation, Yatzy, Lucky Numbers, Kongen av Tokyo, Kingdomino, challengers, Super Mega Lucky Box, gizmos, Patchwork, distilled, Splendor Duel, Potion Explosion, Welcome To, Stone Age, Gaia Project, Lost Cities, greatwesterntrail, 7 Wonders Architects, Rummy, handandfoot, orleans, Tapestry, draftandwriterecords, Race for the Galaxy, Spardame, Mountain Goats, skyteam, faraway, Pandemic, CuBirds, Kingdom Builder, Viticulture, Memoir '44, maracaibo, Puerto Rico, Backgammon, BANG!, scythe, earth, Res Arcana, barrage, flowers, frenchtarot, Seasons, takenokolor, captainflip, Takenoko, papayoo, thecrewdeepsea, Railroad Ink, Alhambra, A Feast for Odin, Living Forest, Chakra, Wizard, Love Letter, Jaipur, obsession, Spar, Innovation, valeofeternity, planetunknown, mojo, century, solstis, bunnykingdom, riverofgold, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, daybreak, diceforge, The Isle of Cats, dvonn, Tock, Cribbage, Break the Code, thecrew, Solo, nextstation, newton, Sagani, Tichu, justone, Akropolis, pixies, Belot, pathofcivilization, Sushi Go!, Nova Luna, glassroad, catinthebox, burglebros, Beyond the Sun, caverna, Bubblee Pop, Bandido, piratenkapern, altered, newyorkzoo, Martian Dice, Sabotør, Roll for the Galaxy, Saint Petersburg, Turing Machine, Clans of Caledonia, marcopolotwo, Bondebridge, bloodrage, treos, knarr, spots, LLAMA, Decrypto, thefoxintheforest, Tzolk'in, Bjørneparken, Framework, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, texasholdem, spellbook, praga, forsale, Regicide, mycityrb, coalbaron, downforce, golf, nextstationparis, cosmoctopus, hadrianswall, looot, bonsai, Sushi Go-fest!, Stella - Dixit Universe, metro, rivervalleyglassworks, War Chest, harvest, Tokaido, minirogue, Thurn and Taxis, architectsofthewestkingdom, railwaysoftheworld, elgrande, marcopolo, Chromino, Can't Stop Express, Targi, coinche, citadels, nidavellir, Koi-Koi, Marrakech, odin, paxrenaissance, gnomehollow, yokohama, Shifting Stones, ultimaterailroads, spiteandmalice, Draftosaurus, Russian Railroads, explodingkittens, ginrummy, Diamant, ancientknowledge, lagranja, teotihuacan, myshelfie, Loco Momo, Sjakk... og mer!