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Bord #644076729
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Tidligere på Viticulture #644076729 ... ([Hopp over replay av siste trekk])


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Enables Winter Pass Action


Friendly Variant
Mama & Papa Choice
Dette spillet har blitt oppdatert siden det startet, derfor er reprisen EKSPERIMENTEL.
Year: 4 Season: Spring
Give tour to gain (2)
Build one structure
Sell at least one grape or buy/sell one field
Harvest one field
Pay (4) to train one
Make up to two wines
Gain (1)
for this year
Choose wake-up positions
Worker Placement
2 players
3-4 players
5-6 players
Draw 1 Visitor card
Worker Placement
2 players
3-4 players
5-6 players
Year End
Age grape and wine tokens
Retrieve workers
Collect residual payments
Discard down to 7 cards
Rotate first player
SwindlerEach opponent may give you (2). For each opponent who does not, gain (1).
CaravanTurn the top card of each deck face up. Draw 2 of those cards and discard the others.
Played cards history (25)

AliKaZam 5 0 0 Margaret Matthew 4/4:

(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
ArchitectBuild a structure at a (3) discount OR gain (1) for each (4) structure you have built.
EntertainerPay (4) to draw 3 OR discard 1 and 3 visitor cards to gain (3).
CultivatorPlant 1 . You may plant it on a field even if the total value of that field exceeds the max vine value.
BuyerPay (2) to place a on your crush pad OR discard 1 to gain (2) and (1).
TeacherMake up to 2 OR pay (2) to train 1 worker.
AssessorGain (1) for each card in your hand OR discard your hand (min of 1 card) to gain (2).
Cards not visible in spectator mode

Sir Adallptus 1 0 0 Nici Paul 5/5:

Sauvignon Blanc
(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
Cards not visible in spectator mode

brito 2 0 0 Teruyo Gary 5/5:

Cabernet Sauvignon
(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
Cards not visible in spectator mode

happyjezza1 1 0 0 Deann Morten 5/5:

(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) Field
(max vine value:5)
(6) Field
(max vine value:6)
(7) Field
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
Small Cellar
Blush & Sparkling Wine Key
Available workers
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
Cards not visible in spectator mode



0 -874965115 eur Visitor-874


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Show values for vp and lira icons
Enables Winter Pass Action


Friendly Variant
Mama & Papa Choice

Merk: 3D er eksperimentelt

Du er tilskuer til dette spillet
2 days
Vis markør
5 0 0 4/4:
4 days
Vis markør
1 0 0 5/5:
Vis markør
2 0 0 5/5:
5 days
Vis markør
1 0 0 5/5:
Spectators: Visitor-874965115
Gi opp
Starting year 4
brito discards 1 card(s)
09:00 PM
AliKaZam discards 1 card(s)
02:58 PM
Sir Adallptus discards 3 card(s)
11:03 AM
All players' grapes and wine age. All residual payments are paid
Sir Adallptus has no more workers so they have to pass
happyjezza1 has no more workers so they have to pass
brito has no more workers so they have to pass
Sir Adallptus makes White Wine
Sir Adallptus makes Red Wine
11:01 AM
AliKaZam has no more workers so they have to pass
happyjezza1 harvests field 3
3/31/2025 10:32 AM
brito harvests field 3 but all grapes go to dumpster, no room in crush pad
brito harvests field 2
09:30 PM
Sir Adallptus draws 1 wine order card(s)
Sir Adallptus draws 1 summer visitor card(s)
Sir Adallptus draws 1 vine card(s)
Sir Adallptus plays winter visitor card Politician
08:14 PM
AliKaZam trains a new worker for (4)
07:27 PM
happyjezza1 trains a new worker for (3)
04:53 PM
brito plays winter visitor card Innkeeper
04:50 PM
brito upgrades cellar at (2) discount
brito pays (2) and builds Medium Cellar
brito plays winter visitor card Master Vintner
04:49 PM
Starting season Winter
Sir Adallptus draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
Sir Adallptus draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
12:49 PM
AliKaZam draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
AliKaZam draws 1 summer visitor card(s)
12:47 PM
happyjezza1 draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
10:49 AM
brito draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
3/30/2025 10:27 AM
Starting season Fall
Sir Adallptus passes
04:40 PM
brito passes
02:32 PM
Sir Adallptus harvests field 2
3/29/2025 11:13 AM
AliKaZam passes
11:04 PM
happyjezza1 passes
10:13 PM
brito draws 2 vine card(s)
08:55 PM
Sir Adallptus pays (2) and builds Yoke
3/28/2025 02:12 AM
AliKaZam pays (3) and builds Cottage
10:45 PM
happyjezza1 pays (3) and builds Medium Cellar
happyjezza1 plays summer visitor card Artisan
10:40 PM
brito gets (3)
09:28 PM
Sir Adallptus plants Sauvignon Blanc in field 2
09:02 PM
brito gives (2) to AliKaZam
08:53 PM
Sir Adallptus gives (2) to AliKaZam
01:00 PM
AliKaZam gets (1)
happyjezza1 refuses action
12:42 PM
AliKaZam plays summer visitor card Swindler
AliKaZam gets (4)
AliKaZam plays summer visitor card Patron
11:31 AM
happyjezza1 gets a vp (1) from location bonus
happyjezza1 sells field 2 for 6
07:54 AM
brito plants Malvasia in field 3
brito plants Cabernet Sauvignon in field 2
01:38 AM
Starting season Summer
Sir Adallptus chooses wakeup order 6 and gets (1)
3/27/2025 01:28 AM
AliKaZam chooses wakeup order 5 and gets a summer visitor card
3/26/2025 03:47 PM
happyjezza1 chooses wakeup order 2 and gets a vine card
10:09 PM
brito chooses wakeup order 1
Starting year 3
brito discards 1 card(s)
09:50 PM
AliKaZam discards 2 card(s)
06:40 PM
All players' grapes and wine age. All residual payments are paid
Sir Adallptus has no more workers so they have to pass
brito has no more workers so they have to pass
AliKaZam has no more workers so they have to pass
happyjezza1 has no more workers so they have to pass
Sir Adallptus trains a new worker for (3)
04:48 PM
brito harvests field 2
04:34 PM
AliKaZam draws 1 wine order card(s)
AliKaZam gets (3)
AliKaZam plays winter visitor card Crush Expert
3/25/2025 12:43 PM
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