Tilbake til hjemmeside
Laster grafikk (10%)
Bord #644357162
Flytt #242
Fremdrift 82%
Tidligere på Azul Duell #644357162 ... ([Hopp over replay av siste trekk])


Vis spillogger
Vis hjelpeboble
Allow Undo/confirm
Countdown timer for confirm button
Tile shimmer
Add pattern for plain tile (color-blind help)


Scoring tablets
Dette spillet har blitt oppdatert siden det startet, derfor er reprisen EKSPERIMENTEL.
Laster spilllogghistorikk (74%)



Round 5 / 5
0 -631019410 eur Visitor-631


Vis spillogger
Vis hjelpeboble
Allow Undo/confirm
Countdown timer for confirm button
Tile shimmer
Add pattern for plain tile (color-blind help)


Scoring tablets

Merk: 3D er eksperimentelt

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This is my first game, so my turn time is doubled
Thanks for helping me!

6 days
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Spectators: Visitor-631019410
Gi opp
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 3
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory moon side
3/26/2025 12:02 AM
inari44 places the tiles on line 1
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
09:56 PM
Bigspoon816 places a Dome plate
09:40 PM
inari44 places a Dome plate
08:50 PM
Bigspoon816 places a Dome plate
08:18 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 3
inari44 takes
from factory sun side
06:50 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 5
06:49 PM
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory sun side
06:48 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 6
inari44 takes
from factory sun side
06:39 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 6
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory moon side
Bigspoon816 takes the First Player tile
06:36 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 2
inari44 takes
from factory sun side
inari44 cancels tile selection
inari44 takes
from factory sun side
06:34 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 5
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory sun side
06:33 PM
Bigspoon816 loses 2 points for the First Player tile
Bigspoon816 gains 1 points with placed tile on line 4
Bigspoon816 moves a tile to the dome
Bigspoon816 gains 3 points with placed tile on line 3
Bigspoon816 moves a tile to the dome
Bigspoon816 gains 1 points with placed tile on line 2
Bigspoon816 moves a tile to the dome
06:32 PM
inari44 gains 6 points with placed tile on line 5
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
inari44 gains 3 points with placed tile on line 3
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
Bigspoon816 gains 1 points with placed tile on line 1
Bigspoon816 moves a tile to the dome
inari44 gains 2 points with placed tile on line 2
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
inari44 gains 1 points with placed tile on line 1
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
06:31 PM
Bigspoon816 takes a Bonus chip
06:30 PM
inari44 takes a Bonus chip
06:25 PM
Bigspoon816 places a Dome plate
Bigspoon816 reveals the picked Dome plates
05:06 PM
Bigspoon816 picks a hidden Dome plate
05:05 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 2
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
01:01 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 1
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory moon side
12:33 PM
inari44 takes a Bonus chip
03:19 AM
Bigspoon816 takes a Bonus chip
03:12 AM
inari44 places the tiles on line 1
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
02:37 AM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 5
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory moon side
3/25/2025 01:34 AM
inari44 places a Dome plate
11:02 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 2
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory moon side
10:37 PM
inari44 places a Dome plate
10:06 PM
Bigspoon816 places a Dome plate
09:31 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 3
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
09:27 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 5
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory sun side
3/24/2025 08:59 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 6
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
09:01 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 3
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory moon side
Bigspoon816 takes the First Player tile
08:02 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 6
inari44 takes
from factory sun side
03:38 AM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 4
03:28 AM
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory sun side
3/23/2025 03:27 AM
inari44 places the tiles on line 5
inari44 takes
from factory sun side
11:57 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 4
05:18 PM
Bigspoon816 takes
from factory sun side
Bigspoon816 loses 2 points for the First Player tile
04:22 PM
Bigspoon816 gains 4 points with placed tile on line 2
Bigspoon816 moves a tile to the dome
Bigspoon816 gains 2 points with placed tile on line 1
Bigspoon816 moves a tile to the dome
04:21 PM
inari44 loses 1 points for the discarded tiles
inari44 gains 1 points with placed tile on line 5
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
inari44 gains 5 points with placed tile on line 3
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
inari44 gains 3 points with placed tile on line 2
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
inari44 gains 2 points with placed special tile on line 2
inari44 adds a special tile to complete the dome
inari44 gains 4 points with placed tile on line 1
inari44 moves a tile to the dome
inari44 places a Dome plate
inari44 reveals the picked Dome plates
inari44 picks a hidden Dome plate
Bigspoon816 cannot do any action and must pass
inari44 takes a Bonus chip
Bigspoon816 cannot do any action and must pass
inari44 takes a Bonus chip
Bigspoon816 cannot do any action and must pass
inari44 places a Dome plate
02:29 AM
Bigspoon816 cannot do any action and must pass
inari44 places the tiles on line 4
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
02:28 AM
Bigspoon816 takes a Bonus chip
3/22/2025 01:28 AM
inari44 places the tiles on line 6
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
09:36 PM
Bigspoon816 takes a Bonus chip
09:30 PM
inari44 places the tiles on line 1 (1 discarded tile(s))
inari44 takes
from factory moon side
06:51 PM
Bigspoon816 places the tiles on line 1
3/21/2025 06:11 PM
Did you know?
Insults and aggressive behavior are strictly forbidden on BGA. Please report any incidents to us: we will take moderation action against any problematic players.