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Bord #644359552
Flytt #80
Fremdrift 48%
Tidligere på Ticket to Ride #644359552 ... ([Hopp over replay av siste trekk])


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Dette spillet har blitt oppdatert siden det startet, derfor er reprisen EKSPERIMENTEL.
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0 -812483781 eur Visitor-812


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Spør om bekreftelse ved trekking av nye destinasjoner
Vis knapper for skjulte kortvalg
Spør ønsket farge om doble ruter
Bekreft rutevalget
Nedtelling for bekreft-knappen
Togvogn omriss
vis fargeblind symbolene
Slutt på spillet-animasjoner



Merk: 3D er eksperimentelt

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4 days
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This is my first game, so my turn time is doubled
Thanks for helping me!

2 days
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Spectators: Visitor-812483781
Gi opp
LardLad55 takes
06:00 AM
chrislems gains 4 point(s) by claiming route from Kreuzligen to Schaffhausen with 3 train car(s) :
3/28/2025 03:00 AM
Benniebob takes
11:38 PM
Benniebob takes
11:37 PM
LardLad55 gains 7 point(s) by claiming route from Geneva to Lausanne with 4 train car(s) :
08:13 PM
chrislems gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Kreuzligen to St. Gallen with 1 train car(s) :
07:48 PM
Benniebob takes
Benniebob takes
07:34 PM
LardLad55 takes
LardLad55 takes
07:12 PM
chrislems takes
chrislems takes
01:28 PM
Benniebob gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Luzern to Zug with 1 train car(s) :
09:37 AM
LardLad55 gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Luzern to Zug with 1 train car(s) :
03:23 AM
chrislems gains 2 point(s) by claiming route from St. Gallen to Vaduz with 2 train car(s) :
0 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
chrislems tries to build a tunnel from St. Gallen to Vaduz with color
02:54 AM
Benniebob gains 4 point(s) by claiming route from Luzern to Olten with 3 train car(s) :
3/27/2025 12:57 AM
LardLad55 gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Zug to Zürich with 1 train car(s) :
10:03 PM
chrislems gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Sargans to Vaduz with 2 train car(s) :
1 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
chrislems tries to build a tunnel from Sargans to Vaduz with color
09:54 PM
Benniebob takes
Benniebob takes
09:11 PM
LardLad55 gains 7 point(s) by claiming route from Bern to Luzern with 4 train car(s) :
05:17 PM
chrislems takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
chrislems takes
10:37 AM
Benniebob gains 2 point(s) by claiming route from Bern to Solothurn with 2 train car(s) :
09:25 AM
LardLad55 takes
LardLad55 takes
01:21 AM
chrislems gains 4 point(s) by claiming route from Davos to Sargans with 4 train car(s) :
1 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
chrislems tries to build a tunnel from Davos to Sargans with color
3/26/2025 12:35 AM
Benniebob takes
Benniebob takes
09:31 PM
LardLad55 gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Winterthur to Zürich with 1 train car(s) :
05:44 PM
chrislems takes 2 hidden train car card(s)
03:46 PM
Benniebob gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Delémont to Solothurn with 1 train car(s) :
0 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
Benniebob tries to build a tunnel from Delémont to Solothurn with color
3/24/2025 01:58 AM
LardLad55 takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
LardLad55 takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
11:37 PM
chrislems takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
chrislems takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
09:54 PM
Benniebob gains 4 point(s) by claiming route from Delémont to La Chaux-de-Fonds with 4 train car(s) :
1 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
Benniebob tries to build a tunnel from Delémont to La Chaux-de-Fonds with color
08:42 PM
LardLad55 takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
LardLad55 takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
08:00 PM
chrislems gains 7 point(s) by claiming route from Brusio to Davos with 4 train car(s) :
0 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
chrislems tries to build a tunnel from Brusio to Davos with color
3/22/2025 07:17 PM
Benniebob skips tunnel claim
2 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
Benniebob tries to build a tunnel from Delémont to La Chaux-de-Fonds with color
3/21/2025 08:29 AM
LardLad55 takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
LardLad55 takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
07:37 PM
chrislems takes
chrislems takes
07:21 PM
Benniebob takes
Benniebob takes
06:33 PM
LardLad55 gains 4 point(s) by claiming route from Fribourg to Lausanne with 3 train car(s) :
04:42 PM
chrislems takes
chrislems takes
3/20/2025 01:58 PM
Benniebob gains 2 point(s) by claiming route from La Chaux-de-Fonds to France with 2 train car(s) :
0 extra cards over the 3 train car cards revealed from the deck are needed to claim the route
Benniebob tries to build a tunnel from La Chaux-de-Fonds to France with color
06:06 PM
LardLad55 takes 1 hidden train car card(s)
LardLad55 takes
05:44 PM
chrislems takes
chrislems takes
3/19/2025 01:19 PM
Benniebob takes
Benniebob takes
08:23 PM
LardLad55 takes
LardLad55 takes
04:20 PM
chrislems takes
chrislems takes
3/18/2025 01:26 PM
Benniebob takes
Benniebob takes
11:59 PM
LardLad55 takes
LardLad55 takes
08:30 PM
chrislems takes
chrislems takes
07:39 PM
Benniebob takes
Benniebob takes
07:38 PM
LardLad55 gains 1 point(s) by claiming route from Bern to Fribourg with 1 train car(s) :
07:10 PM
chrislems takes
chrislems takes
03:11 PM
chrislems keeps 4 destination(s)
3/17/2025 03:10 PM
Benniebob keeps 5 destination(s)
3/16/2025 11:28 AM
LardLad55 keeps 2 destination(s)
05:49 PM
The color of chrislems has been chosen according to their preferences. Change my preferences.
3/15/2025 04:30 PM
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