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Super Mega Lucky Box Edition


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0 -16451267 eur Visitor-164


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Super Mega Lucky Box Edition



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Spectators: Visitor-16451267
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The end of the game: Cathwoman wins!
Pianist16 scores 6 points for having the most moons
Pianist16 scores 2 points for crosses on incomplete Lucky Box cards
Cathwoman scores 4 points for crosses on incomplete Lucky Box cards
Pianist16 crosses out 9
Pianist16 may cross out a number 9 as a bonus for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 1 which completes a column
Cathwoman uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 2
Pianist16 has finished playing number 1
08:56 PM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 1
The next number is 1
Pianist16 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 2
Cathwoman gets a star for completing the column
Cathwoman crosses out 4 which completes a column
Cathwoman completes a Lucky Box!
Cathwoman gets a star for completing the column
Cathwoman may cross out a number 4 as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 3 which completes a row and a column
Cathwoman has finished playing number 3
08:55 PM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 3
08:22 PM
The next number is 3
Pianist16 crosses out 7
Pianist16 completes a Lucky Box!
Pianist16 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Pianist16 may cross out a number 7 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 1 which completes a row and a column
Pianist16 completes a Lucky Box!
Pianist16 gets a star for completing the column
Pianist16 may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 9 which completes a row and a column
Pianist16 may cross out a number 9 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 uses 3 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 4 which completes a row
Cathwoman crosses out 1
Pianist16 has finished playing number 1
08:21 PM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 1
The next number is 1
Pianist16 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Pianist16 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 6 which completes a column
Cathwoman crosses out 7
Cathwoman has finished playing number 7
08:18 PM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 7
The next number is 7
Pianist16 gets a moon for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 8 which completes a column
Pianist16 may cross out a number 8 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 1 which completes a row
Cathwoman crosses out 9
Pianist16 has finished playing number 9
08:12 PM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 9
08:11 PM
The next number is 9
Pianist16 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 2 which completes a column
Pianist16 may cross out a number 2 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 7 which completes a row
Cathwoman gets a star for completing the column
Cathwoman gets a lightning bolt for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 7 which completes a row and a column
Cathwoman has finished playing number 7
08:10 PM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 7
08:09 PM
The next number is 7
Pianist16 crosses out 9
Cathwoman gets a lightning bolt for completing the column
Cathwoman crosses out 9 which completes a column
Pianist16 has finished playing number 9
08:08 PM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 9
The next number is 9
Pianist16 crosses out 5
Cathwoman crosses out 5
Cathwoman has finished playing number 5
07:56 PM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 5
The next number is 5
Pianist16 crosses out 2
Cathwoman crosses out 2
Pianist16 has finished playing number 2
05:00 PM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 2
The next number is 2
Cathwoman selects their Lucky Box(es)
01:31 PM
Pianist16 selects their Lucky Box(es)
Pianist16 gets a lightning bolt for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 8 which completes a column
Cathwoman crosses out 8
Pianist16 has finished playing number 8
11:55 AM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 8
The next number is 8
Pianist16 crosses out 3
Cathwoman crosses out 1
Cathwoman completes a Lucky Box!
Cathwoman gets a star for completing the column
Cathwoman may cross out a number 1 as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 4 which completes a row and a column
Cathwoman may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 3 which completes a row
Cathwoman has finished playing number 3
10:28 AM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 3
The next number is 3
Pianist16 crosses out 7
Cathwoman gets a star for completing the column
Cathwoman crosses out 5 which completes a column
Cathwoman may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 7 which completes a row
Pianist16 has finished playing number 7
09:10 AM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 7
The next number is 7
Pianist16 crosses out 3
Pianist16 completes a Lucky Box!
Pianist16 gets a moon for completing the column
Pianist16 may cross out a number 3 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 uses 2 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 8 which completes a row and a column
Cathwoman crosses out 1
Cathwoman has finished playing number 1
3/21/2025 06:16 AM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 1
11:46 PM
The next number is 1
Pianist16 gets a moon for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 7 which completes a column
Pianist16 completes a Lucky Box!
Pianist16 gets a moon for completing the column
Pianist16 may cross out a number 7 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 5 which completes a row and a column
Cathwoman crosses out 2
Cathwoman may cross out a number 2 as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 5 which completes a row
Pianist16 has finished playing number 5
11:45 PM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 5
The next number is 5
Pianist16 gets a moon for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 6 which completes a column
Cathwoman gets a moon for completing the column
Cathwoman crosses out 6 which completes a column
Cathwoman has finished playing number 6
02:42 PM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 6
09:43 AM
The next number is 6
Pianist16 gets a lightning bolt for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 4 which completes a column
Cathwoman crosses out 4
Pianist16 has finished playing number 4
09:42 AM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 4
The next number is 4
Pianist16 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 9 which completes a column
Cathwoman crosses out 9
Cathwoman has finished playing number 9
07:43 AM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 9
The next number is 9
Pianist16 gets a lightning bolt for completing the row
Pianist16 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 1 which completes a row
Cathwoman crosses out 8
Cathwoman completes a Lucky Box!
Cathwoman gets a moon for completing the column
Cathwoman may cross out a number 8 as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 1 which completes a row and a column
Pianist16 has finished playing number 2
07:32 AM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 2
3/20/2025 06:47 AM
The next number is 2
Pianist16 selects their Lucky Box(es)
11:45 PM
Cathwoman selects their Lucky Box(es)
Pianist16 crosses out 2
Pianist16 may cross out a number 2 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 9 which completes a row
Pianist16 may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 4 which completes a row
Pianist16 completes a Lucky Box!
Pianist16 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Pianist16 may cross out a number 4 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 9 which completes a row and a column
Cathwoman cannot use the bonus(es) gained
Cathwoman may cross out a number 3 as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 9 which completes a row
Cathwoman has finished playing number 9
07:18 PM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 9
08:40 AM
The next number is 9
Pianist16 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 7
Cathwoman crosses out 6
Cathwoman has finished playing number 6
08:33 AM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 6
08:30 AM
The next number is 6
Pianist16 uses 2 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 5
Cathwoman gets a star for completing the column
Cathwoman gets a lightning bolt for completing the row
Cathwoman crosses out 5 which completes a row and a column
Cathwoman may cross out any number as a bonus for completing the row
Cathwoman uses 2 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 1 which completes a row
Pianist16 has finished playing number 3
08:29 AM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 3
07:49 AM
The next number is 3
Pianist16 gets two lightning bolts for completing the column
Pianist16 crosses out 7 which completes a column
Cathwoman crosses out 7
Cathwoman has finished playing number 7
07:48 AM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 7
The next number is 7
Pianist16 uses 1 lightning bolt(s) and crosses out 3
Cathwoman gets a lightning bolt for completing the column
Cathwoman crosses out 2 which completes a column
Pianist16 has finished playing number 2
07:39 AM
Cathwoman has finished playing number 2
The next number is 2
Pianist16 gets a lightning bolt for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 5 which completes a row
Pianist16 may cross out a number 5 as a bonus for completing the row
Pianist16 crosses out 8 which completes a row
Cathwoman crosses out 8
Cathwoman has finished playing number 8
07:28 AM
Pianist16 has finished playing number 8
3/19/2025 07:01 AM
Did you know?
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