ToastingTeddy is the Merchant
courtsadele pays 4 gold to build a Thieves' Den
courtsadele pays 2 cards to build the Thieves' Den
07:36 AM
courtsadele receives 0 gold for their religious districts
courtsadele gathers a district card
courtsadele is the Bishop
Nobody has chosen the King
07:35 AM
courtsadele takes 2 gold from the bank
07:34 AM
courtsadele is the Magician
The Thief is dead and can't play
ToastingTeddy kills the Thief
ToastingTeddy pays 3 gold to build a Docks
05:08 AM
ToastingTeddy takes 2 gold from the bank
3/21/2025 05:07 AM
ToastingTeddy is the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
courtsadele has chosen a character
09:53 PM
ToastingTeddy removes a character card
ToastingTeddy has chosen a character
09:18 PM
courtsadele removes a character card
courtsadele has chosen a character
06:19 AM
ToastingTeddy has chosen a character
04:08 AM
A new selection phase begins
courtsadele had chosen the killed Magician
Nobody has chosen the Warlord
courtsadele takes 2 gold from the bank
3/20/2025 03:15 AM
courtsadele receives 2 additional district card(s)
courtsadele is the Architect
Nobody has chosen the Merchant
ToastingTeddy receives 3 gold for their religious districts
ToastingTeddy pays 1 gold to build a Temple
ToastingTeddy takes 2 gold from the bank
ToastingTeddy is the Bishop
Nobody has chosen the King
The Magician is dead and can't play
Nobody has chosen the Thief
ToastingTeddy pays 2 gold to build a Church
ToastingTeddy kills the Magician
10:03 PM
ToastingTeddy takes 2 gold from the bank
10:02 PM
ToastingTeddy is the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
courtsadele has chosen a character
08:45 AM
ToastingTeddy removes a character card
ToastingTeddy has chosen a character
04:02 AM
courtsadele removes a character card
courtsadele has chosen a character
03:47 AM
ToastingTeddy has chosen a character
03:11 AM
A new selection phase begins
courtsadele pays 4 gold to build a Harbor
courtsadele receives 1 gold for their military districts
03:03 AM
courtsadele takes 2 gold from the bank
03:02 AM
courtsadele is the Warlord
01:04 AM
ToastingTeddy pays 3 gold to build a Monastery
ToastingTeddy takes 2 gold from the bank
ToastingTeddy receives 2 additional district card(s)
ToastingTeddy is the Architect
Nobody has chosen the Merchant
Nobody has chosen the Bishop
ToastingTeddy receives 1 gold for their noble districts
ToastingTeddy pays 4 gold to build a Castle
01:03 AM
ToastingTeddy takes 2 gold from the bank
01:02 AM
ToastingTeddy is the King
courtsadele pays 3 gold to build a Barracks
12:52 AM
courtsadele exchanges 1 hand card(s) with the draw pile
courtsadele takes 2 gold from the bank
courtsadele is the Magician
Nobody has chosen the Thief
Nobody has chosen the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
courtsadele has chosen a character
3/19/2025 12:51 AM
ToastingTeddy removes a character card
ToastingTeddy has chosen a character
09:35 PM
courtsadele removes a character card
courtsadele has chosen a character
3/18/2025 06:36 AM
ToastingTeddy has chosen a character
02:05 AM
Rematch with the exact same players detected: starting player has been rotated.
A new selection phase begins
The deck contains the following unique districts: Dragon Gate, Factory, Haunted Quarter, Imperial Treasury, Keep, Laboratory, Library, Map Room, Quarry, School of Magic, Smithy, Statue, Thieves' Den, Wishing Well
A new game starts using the following characters: Assassin, Thief, Magician, King, Bishop, Merchant, Architect, Warlord
3/17/2025 02:04 AM
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